不愛太陽愛月亮!15個「晚上才會綻放」的夢幻花朵 月光花「宛如皎潔明月」越夜越耀眼





1. 月亮草:不少人都盛傳這是一種專門給月亮欣賞的花卉!在月光下盛開的它,不但有著嬌美又活潑的造型,綻放時更是會散發出一股微微的香氣。不過可惜的是,它的壽命相當短暫,大約一個晚上就會漸漸凋謝了。


2. 夕顏:雖然它的外型與牽牛花相當類似,不過細細品味後還是能發覺它別具特色的美麗!而且有著超浪漫名字的它,其實也有著宛如與「月亮草」師出同門的名字,那就是月亮花~

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They remind me of big all white Morning Glory's. We have these "Moonflowers" growing on my fence. My next door neighbor's are a really cool older couple that always look out for us. I cut their front yard and ripoff their plans, lol. She knows her stuff in the garden, and these are hers. Super easy to clone also. -H.F. These old fashioned flowers, as the name implies, open in the evening. As evening falls, you can actually watch them open. For added interest, mix them with morning bloomers such as morning glories. Grown as an annual but perennial in mild areas, they're easy to grow and grow best in full sun. Product Details: LifeCycle: Annual  Uses: Trellis or Lattice  Sun: Full Sun  Spread: 8-10 feet Sowing Method: Direct Sow/Indoor Sow  Bloom Duration: 8 weeks http://www.burpee.com/mobile/flowers/moonflowers/moonflower-giant-white-prod000281.html #Moonflowers #HFNature #HoboGrowers #communitygardening #nature #Gaia #heart

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3. 山梅花:外觀可愛又活潑的山梅花,不但是許多是許多園藝者的心頭好之外,更因為綻放是會散發出一股特殊的清甜芬芳,讓人一聞就能進入甜美的夢鄉~

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Sweet Mock orange Mock Orange or English Dogwood or false jasmine is a favorite of many gardeners for its sweet-scented blossoms, that’s attract butterflies 🦋 and bees 🐝 That statement is a mockery and counterfeit! Try smelling the blooms at night when the blossoms release their heavenly sweet aroma, which is why this plant makes for a perfect fit in any Moon garden. Mock orange can be be used for magic of temporary illusions and to give impressions from a distance, In terms of flower essences, the mock orange means that you want the feminine qualities of a person to come out. This is both true for men and women. The orange mock flower essences encourage gentleness and nurturing. And can also calm an overly aggressive person. In Greek, syringe means pipe is often referring to the pipe stems of the orange mock. Possible usage 🌿tea🌿magick bath 🌿mojo 🌿cosmetics #mockorangeblossom #mockorangeflowers #witchygarden #hexengarten #hedgewitch #greenwitchcraft #witchyvibes #magick #craft #englishdogwood #witchery #plantmagick #spellwork #healing #aromatherapy #magickgarden #hexenkräuter #wicca #motherearth💚#witchesofinstagram🔮🌙

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4. 夜劍蘭:盛開時呈現淡淡黃色的夜劍蘭,除了會散發出獨特的香味而療癒人心之外,更因為非常好養護,因此被是許多園藝愛好者都公認的「經典入門款」。

5. 曼陀羅:雖然他們名字聽起來有一點點不平易近人,不過它盛開的時候可是有著粉紅、黃、紫、白等多元的顏色,若有幸在晚上看到他們盛開的模樣,肯定會感到相當驚豔的唷~


6. 香水百合:總是在晚上才會綻放芬芳的香水百合,不但有著高貴又優雅的純白色顏值之外,開花時更是顧名思義的會散發出一股如香水般的迷人清香唷~


7. 紫羅蘭:紫色本就代表著幽美、神秘,因此在晚上才會綻放的紫羅蘭,總是能讓整個空間散發著一股難以言喻的浪漫氛圍唷~

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Przyłapałem ją na gorącym uczynku. Późnym wieczorem zaczyna otwierać kwiaty, które można przeoczyć, ale nie da się ich nie poczuć. Maciejka! Oblewa się perfumami, których zapach natychmiast przypomina mi upalne lipcowe wieczory. Bez maciejki lato się nie liczy! Kto się zagapił i zapomniał wysiać wiosną maciejkę ten jeszcze może to zrobić; pierwsze kwiaty otworzą się na przywitanie jesieni i będą pachnieć równie słodko, chociaż nieco inaczej - bo w jesiennym powietrzu wszystko inaczej pachnie... . . . #matthiolabicornis #eveningstock #maciejka #kwiatysąpiękne #ogród #bezogrodek #loveplants #kwiatki #momentsofmine #peciousmoments #kwiaty #searchwandercollect #flower_perfection #flowers_shotz #ogródek #flowerseverywhere #flowersmakemehappy #inspiredbypetals #petals_perfection #petalsandprops #bezogródek #ig_discover_petals #ok_myflowers #kings_flora #tv_flowers #searchwandercollect #flower_perfection

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8. 月光花 ,又名為《嫦娥奔月》


9. 睡蓮






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